Natsuyo Lipschutz 3

My two online programs “The Art of Persuasive Speaking in Global Business” launched last week and the interest has been phenomenal.

I’m just so pleased that I could find a way to share all the knowledge and techniques I have learnt as a Business Strategist and Keynote Speaker and encapsulate them into a program that you can pick up time and time again whenever you have a speaking gig, or even if you just need a reminder about how you can become a powerfully persuasive speaker.

One of the common questions I get asked is “What was the difference between the Intro course and the Master course?” It’s a valid question, and I wanted to explain why I created two courses and why you will get most benefit from purchasing both courses through my bundle offer.

INTRO COURSE – “The Art of Persuasive Speaking in Global Business”

If you are a leader who wants to learn the techniques to get your message heard and gain the self-confidence to captivate and engage an audience, then my Intro course will give you the basic tools that you can start applying TODAY that will make a visible difference to the way in which you communicate.

The Intro course is the building block for the Master course. You’ll learn unique terminologies that you can apply in both courses, such as ONE BIG MESSAGE®, 7-30 Rules and The 6C’s of Strategic Storytelling® and much more. So if you are really serious about up- levelling your persuasive communication skills, then enrolling on both courses will give you a deeper understanding and make a noticeable difference to the way connect with your audience and get them to TAKE ACTION.



MASTER COURSE – “The Art of Persuasive Speaking in Global Business”

Once you’ve completed the Intro course, the Master course digs deeper into three elements of persuasion, including communicating cross-culturally, how to leverage logical thinking, business storytelling, delivery techniques and ultimately finding your own speaking style.



Take advantage of my bundle offer

I know from experience that if you’re a global leader who wants to influence, you’re going to get the true benefit from buying both online programs and I’ve created a special bundle offer at my discounted rate of $899.  You’ll get ten modules in total, each with practical exercises that you can run-through in your own time and refer back to whenever you feel stuck with your message and presentation.

One of the great things about an E-learning program, is that once you’ve enrolled, it’s yours to keep forever. It’s not a one-time lesson or recording, it can live on repeat for as long as need it.



There has never been a more important time to get these skills and techniques of powerful communication under your belt. There is so much noise both in the on and offline space, we’ve just been through a critical election which will change the direction of our country and we have an ever-growing racial justice movement that’s gaining momentum daily. Now, more than ever, your voice needs to be heard and acted upon.

If you still have questions about either of these courses, I’m more than happy to have a free 15-minute conversation with you by phone or Zoom, so I can identify your needs more clearly and recommend the best next steps for you.



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