us mar022020

It’s extremely important that your business runs like a well-oiled machine. Although, it’s likely that you and you and your team have hit some roadblocks — Communication being a common one.

Have you ever stopped to wonder where your communication struggles stem from and how you can resolve them?

Caitlyn at NGNG Enterprise visited with Natsuyo Nobumoto Lipschutz, who is a renowned global leadership speaker ? and communications specialist, who shared how cross-cultural communication issues can affect every organization. Listen in as we learn more about Natsuyo’s Three A’s and how these principles can improve how you and your team communicate.

Natsuyo will also share her experience working with NGNG Enterprises on her brand new, beautiful ? website: Check it out and help us celebrate her recent launch!

You will get the chance to hear more about:
? Natsuyo’s journey which lead her to discover her passion
? The goals and dreams she has for herself
? What we can expect to see in the future

YouTube Link:

Blog Article Link: Breaking Through Language & Cultural Barriers with Natsuyo Lipschutz

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Natsuyo breakthrough

Discover Natsuyo Lipschutz's journey and expertise in transforming leaders and enhancing communication across cultures.

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