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Have you ever heard the phrase “the pen is mightier than the sword”?

It means that words can be more powerful than weapons.

In a world where information is readily available, it’s more important than ever to use strategic storytelling to get your point across. Persuasive speaking is one of the most effective ways to communicate your message and convince people to take action. In this blog post, I’ll discuss what strategic storytelling is and why it’s so important.


What is strategic storytelling?

Strategic storytelling is the art of using stories to communicate your One BIG Message®. It’s a powerful tool that can be used to influence, inspire, and persuade people to take action. A well-told story can make your audience feel emotions like empathy, fear, or joy. When used correctly, strategic storytelling can be an extremely effective way to influence an audience in a variety of settings.


Why is strategic storytelling so important? 

Every day we are bombarded with information from all sides, so it’s more important than ever to be able to capture people’s attention and hold it long enough to get your point across. A good story will do just that. In addition, strategic storytelling can help you build rapport with your audience, establish trust, and create an emotional connection. These are all essential ingredients for persuasion. 


If you want to be more persuasive in business, strategic storytelling is a skill worth developing. The good news is that it’s something that can be learned with practice. So if you’re ready to start using this powerful technique, my 6 Cs of Strategic Storytelling™ will show you how. 




Find your storytelling from life’s experiences 

We all know the saying, “write what you know.” When it comes to strategic storytelling, this advice rings especially true. The best stories are usually based on real-life experiences that you can draw from. This could be a time when you overcame a challenge, achieved something great, or learned a valuable lesson. By sharing your own experiences, you will be able to connect with your audience on a deeper level and show them that you understand their challenges. 


In addition, life experiences make for the most convincing stories because they are relatable, authentic and believable. Your audience will be able to see themselves in your story and imagine achieving their own goals. This is a powerful way to get people to take action.


A good story should:

  • Be truthful 
  • Be something that you can tell with authenticity
  • Use the set-up: Problem, Action, Result structure – as described in my ‘6 C’s of Strategic Storytelling™’
  • Take the characters, and the listeners, on a journey 
  • Align with your One BIG Message® and support the one single point that you want your audience to remember from your presentation


Whether you’ve never used storytelling before in a presentation, or you’re looking to improve your storytelling skills, my 6 C’s of Strategic Storytelling™ covers all the tried and tested techniques that some of the greatest persuasive speakers use today. 




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