Speaking in board room

We have now endured more than 12 months of this (your favorite adjective here) pandemic, and like you, I’ve been surprised at how accustomed I’ve become to digital communication. Video chat has dominated our work and social lives for more than a year now, and since many of us are cut off from normal social interaction, we are opting for voice and video calls as the next best thing.

We may have acquired new social graces using video conference (my favorite being ‘You’re on mute’!), it may have caused us to lose touch with what it’s like to communicate with people face-to-face. Whether it be on a one-to-one, in a boardroom or to a room full of people.

Just like an athlete who will be out of practice on the playing field if they haven’t trained in a while. We too, as leaders need to refresh and rejuvenate our persuasive communication skills and be able to stand up and positively influence people with our words, stories and body language.

The pandemic means we all share something in common

The global pandemic, which to a greater or lesser degree we are all in together, has meant that we all have something in common to talk about. It helps develop a shared experience about how we are connected by a common problem, and this can prove a great way to capture narrative time capsules of this remarkable period in our lives.

The 6C’s of Strategic Storytelling® takes you through step-by-step how to create persuasive stories that influence your audience and cause them to TAKE ACTION. It will help you apply YOUR personal experience of the pandemic to telling engaging stories about what you’ve learnt through this time.

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What lessons have you learnt?

We’ve all had to learn hard lessons during this pandemic, and you can use these lessons effectively in your story to inspire others, draw on humor and find new ways to connect with others.

Remember that the best stories draw on a personal experience, rather than a fictional story, so the more you can make it about your journey through this, the better.

You may feel that your storytelling skills need finessing, or perhaps you feel a little out of practice addressing large groups of people because of being socially isolated for so long. I’d love to help you.

Book a FREE 15 minute consultation with me and I’ll help rejuvenate your persuasive communication skills and give you the steps to create great stories from this real challenging time.

Getting back to normal will be a slow process and it may be a while till we’re all interacting without wearing face masks and being able to shake hands once again, but it’s important that as leaders we are fully equipped for moving beyond our computer screens and back into the Boardroom, or on the podium, ready with the right skills to effectively communicate.

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