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Natsuyo made an appearance on ELEVATE Podcast on February 1st, 2021.

ELEVATE Podcast is brought to you by a vibrant duo, Valda Ford and Rochelle Rice. With a combined 50+ years in women’s health, education and empowerment, they are committed to elevating the next generation of women in leadership. Each show features experts from the fields of body, mind and spirit to include psychology, finances and the freedom to be the full expression of yourself as you grow in leadership.

In this podcast, Natsuyo shared her insights on effective cross-cultural communication skills, as well as her personal journey of breast cancer, and how this journey took her to where she is now.


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about Natsuyo Liptscutz
Natsuyo breakthrough

Discover Natsuyo Lipschutz's journey and expertise in transforming leaders and enhancing communication across cultures.

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